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tokyopeony 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()
Joe: "No, it's the end of a nineteenth-century socialist romanticist conflation of government and society, law and Justice, idea and action, irreconcilables which only meet at some remote horizon, like parallels converging in infinity. The rhythm of history is conservative. Change is geologically slow. You must accept that. And accept as rightfully yours the happiness that comes your way."
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Episode 2 The land is Build on Law
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Harold Pinter:
'However, I find it ironic that I have come here to receive this distinguished award as a writer, and that at the moment I am writing nothing and can write nothing. I don't know why. It's a very bad feeling, I know that, but I must say I want more than anything else to fill up a blank page again, and to feel that strange thing happen, birth through fingertips. When you can't write you feel you've been banished from yourself.'
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'Somtimes I think I have been sitting like this. I somtimes think I have always been sitting like this, alone by an indifferent fire, curtains closed, night, winter.'
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