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2015/06/16 on The News Lens 關鍵評論(臺灣)


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2015/05/26 on 獨立評論 @ 天下


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  • Oct 15 Wed 2014 21:52
  • Memo

Luis, your question is difficult and I try to compose my thought and thinking about what and how should I reply.

After ‘waves’ of feminism and the recent events like Angelina Julie being knighted for her devotion in ending sexual violence in conflict, Emma Watson advocates ‘HeForShe’, and the second time that there are all female Nobel Peace Prize winners, it looks as if women and gender issues are reaching a new peak and female peer support is being truly recognised. However, I would say that these glamour coverages are somehow an illusion and a very serious one. To quote Tanya Barron, “we shouldn’t let the notion that we are now on some irreversible path to equality creep in.” (http://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/home-news/world-is-talking-the-talk-but-not-walking-the-walk-on-womens-rights-according-to-new-report-9794542.html?origin=internalSearch)

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All work and no play, makes me a dull man. Well, the annoying self-destruction cannot stop me from looking forward to the coming play season… Also, what is the point of being in the U.K., if you are banished from the stuffs that make you love the place?

It is no need to mention the fan frenzy over a certain (mighty) Mr. Benedict Cumberbatch is going to be on the stage as Hamlet at Barbican Centre next summer. But I do feel dubious about his choice of collaboration and, as a fan of his, I want to see him sparks than anything else.


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There are so many happy things to write, but I suppose it is the absolutely shitty feeling actually compel a person to write.


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Joe:  "No, it's the end of a nineteenth-century socialist romanticist conflation of government and society, law and Justice, idea and action, irreconcilables which only meet at some remote horizon, like parallels converging in infinity. The rhythm of history is conservative. Change is geologically slow. You must accept that. And accept as rightfully yours the happiness that comes your way."


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Episode 2 The land is Build on Law


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Well, just bought an 'Iron Man 3' poster yesterday and it looks like this...


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