目前分類:Play (7)

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I think my leisure reading pattern is becoming more and more peculiar these days.



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因為看過了真人演出,所以我好奇地去找了Harold Pinter的'Betrayal'原著來讀。小小一本,沒花多久就看完了。我不知道究竟先看完原著、對故事有個大略了解再去看演出比較好,或者是the other way around would be better.對我來說,藝術作品的詮釋(自我的或他者的)是個永遠難解的謎題。總之,目前我還是抱持前者的態度。說要刻意去讀某個著名作者,多多少少也是想要表現某種文化素養的優越感吧!但我的確是想要再去多找找Pinter的其他作品來看看,雖然我對Betrayal並無太大的感想,not really that impressed. But certainly, it is a interesting reading. Well, it always feel interesting to read the script while recalling what you see from the performance.


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Terence Rattigan, director Anthony Asquith, and actor Neil North, on set of The Winslow Boy in 1948

(Terence Rattigan, director Anthony Asquith, and actor Neil North, on set of The Winslow Boy in 1948)


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Anna (to her father): “Sure – like I’d been living a long, long time – out here in the fog. I don’t know how to tell you yust what I mean. It’s like I’d come home after a long visit away some place. It all seems like I’d been here before lots of times – on boats – in this same fog. You must think I’m off my base.”


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每個編劇各有各的風格,Peter Morgan寫得很詳細,包括劇中人物的穿著、情緒表達、攝影方向等,他會用"we see..."來區分是劇中人的部份或劇組的攝影,因此一開始看得時候有點不習慣,隨時得跳出對話和角色描述才不會搞混描述的方向。


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