目前分類:Ranting (14)

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There are so many happy things to write, but I suppose it is the absolutely shitty feeling actually compel a person to write.


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Read a bit. Still writing, still confused. Continue to search anything Scandinavian, and listen to a Danish radio.

Finished another Harold Pinter's short play collection, and found myself surprisingly enjoy it than his other works. Also, unexpectedly read an American writer's, Thomas Wolfe, little book about 'The Story of a Novel'. It speaks my heart, that thin book, very much.

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"Can't you just be unhappy?" Maja said to Christoffer during their journey in Prague.

Yes, why can't I? When the happiness can only be faked.

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  • Jun 27 Thu 2013 23:37
  • Re:...

Another meeting, another turn. I am partially reliefed, yet partially burdened than ever. I feel tired, tormented, exhuasted and wondering whether the light is fading out. I stopped crying, but I could not stop feeling like drowning and have to constantly told myself to breath normally. Everytime I think about it, I still feel like I am short of breath and almost going to vomit. It is getting more and more difficult (with life).

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  • Jun 21 Fri 2013 23:34
  • ...

I think, it is just proves what I have been fear all along. The only flaw is, it took me alomst three years to come to that version of reality. In a way, I suppose I am reliefed, to finally confirm it (from a third person) and face it.

No, I am not fine, but I will be.

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在無法keep calm and carry on、無限輪迴地陷入自我厭惡之際,那至少要看些賞心悅目的東西...你就了吧,大叔(指)~(進入變態模式)

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tokyopeony 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Haven't been reading and finishing an English novel for leisure properly for almost...years, I think. And tonight, I finally finished Lawrence Block's 'Even the wicked' in its original language. I got this book from a charity shop way back when I still lived in 18 Ballantyne Drive in Colchester, but hardly touched it for the time being. However, you always did something you normally would not do when there is other more important thing waiting to be done. No doubt, this time is the same old story. In other words, the book is a distraction form my study and in turns, I now in the same old shit mood of a mixture of guilt and depression again, due to the bloody annoying repetition of history.

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(私心地就是想要放張Mr. Cumberbatch的圖片。另,原來他在Almeida Theatre演過戲啊~)

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今天終於解決了第二次的board meeting,總算!但是一件事完後總是跟著另外一件事,唉唉,接下來就是等系上的通知、看需不需要出席June defense了(fingers cross and hope for the best)。

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I am excusing myself from studying again, OH Lord, forgive me! No, what I probably should say is, OH Aletta, please forgive me….

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I been asked about why I came back to do this PhD several times since I am back. Well, I really cannot give a definite answer, although I have been doing it for the past three weeks. Honestly, I still not quite sure that did I already adjusted myself into this sort of new goal or I am still immersed in the joy of coming back to Britain.

I know that sometimes the feeling towards something needs time to accumulate and be actualized, but I do not know is this the case. On the other hand, I wonder is that I afraid to reflect on this issue, fear to discover the answer will be that I am just try to escape from something that I should take responsible for. It is always about choice, including this time. However, it is not about should I choose the one looks easy and simple or the one people scarcely pick. Instead, I just do not know which one is which in all the options available to me at the moment of decision making. Well, THAT, does change the whole story, doesn’t it?

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