Luis, your question is difficult and I try to compose my thought and thinking about what and how should I reply.
After ‘waves’ of feminism and the recent events like Angelina Julie being knighted for her devotion in ending sexual violence in conflict, Emma Watson advocates ‘HeForShe’, and the second time that there are all female Nobel Peace Prize winners, it looks as if women and gender issues are reaching a new peak and female peer support is being truly recognised. However, I would say that these glamour coverages are somehow an illusion and a very serious one. To quote Tanya Barron, “we shouldn’t let the notion that we are now on some irreversible path to equality creep in.” (
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Just want to mark my 27th and the men I been craving this year...:D
The mighty sexy Danish badass
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十分、非常意外地,竟然讓我在昨天買到了開賣當天變銷售一空的'Doctor Who 50th-anniversary Prom'的票!這是怎麼回事呢?!我本來早已抱持著不可能買到票、只好當天很哀怨地去排個三、四小時的隊,看看有沒有幸排到promming的票。只是,內心那微小薄弱、以為只是再次證明自己不可能買到票的部分,驅使了我再度造訪Royal Albert Hall的網站。點進去BBC Prom 2013的專屬網頁時,我還以為我眼睛花了,因為14 July的場次竟然顯示'Buy Ticket'的按鍵!?WTF!!!當然,激動的我點進去後,卻如何也進不了選位系統、自然也不可能有任何更進一步的動作。試了好幾次後,我終於放棄,想說那大概是對買不到票的我的某種戲弄吧!當天監考完早已疲憊愛睏的我,後來決定去睡個午覺,這場意外事件也就暫時擱到一旁了。
當我被窗外的車聲、與室友的聲響吵醒時,已經是下午五點多。遲緩地爬下床的我,帶著不抱任何確鑿期望的心情,再次刷新RAH的prom頁面。令我幾近窒息地,是13 July的場次竟然出現了早先描述過的景象,頓時我全身熱血沸騰。激動地點入該場次的購票網頁,我不可置信地看到頁面竟然正常載入選位系統、而更令我振奮的,是真的有空位釋出啊(仰天吶喊)!媽的,在經歷售票當天網路等待號碼為五千多號、在不到三個小時內兩場Doctor Who Prom皆賣空之後,我竟然在如此意外的情況下有這般機會,光是能點入它的購票頁面就已經讓我全身顫抖了啊~
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經過一連串的沙盤推演(XD真的,我們討論了買票策略、戲碼順序等可能性不下數次),我跟友人決定星期六一早兵分兩路、分別去Gielgud Theatre與Noel Coward Theatre排day seats,以極大化至少能看到一齣(我)想看的戲的機率。
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(最近一直著迷般地聽著Laurence Fox的'Gunfight'。但釋出的幾首歌裡,我覺得就只有那首比較好聽而已orz)
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I was endeavoured to write a detailed diary about my everyday encounters during my London Ambassador shifts. However, you know how difficult it is, for someone who is not a good observer to tell anything interesting. In the end, it was just a trivial note for what have happened during my first volunteering experience.
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It is almost the end of my second year study of PhD, and finally, I was upgraded as a PhD candidate. Well, I am not particularly 'happy' as such, but I cannot deny that I am more or less relieved, although I still cannot see how I can write a 70000 word thesis.
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四月五號是第二次的London Ambassador訓練課程,地點卻跑到了位在Olympic Park的Stratford International Station。訓練時間仍就是相當折磨人的早上九點半,所以我還是提前一天進城(當然也順便進行我的routine plays experience~啊,看到了有Tara Fitzgerald的'Farewell to the Theatre'與Lindsay Duncan的'Hay Fever’真是令人高興啊!可惜還是沒能去成The Print Room,真的挺好奇它到底是長什麼樣呢!)。
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London Ambassador的訓練終於開始了,總覺得該記錄一下這個難得的volunteering experience。畢竟這輩子大概就只有這麼一次離奧運如此近的機會了吧(雖然我本身並不是很關心奧運:P我反而對隨之而來的文化相關活動,有更大的興趣)!因為訓練的時間很早,所以決定前一晚就到倫敦(順便參加一下我近來熱衷的藝文活動~啊,終於親眼看到Peter Capaldi與Ben Miller都參與的舞台劇演出'The Ladykillers',但讓Ben Miller偷溜走真的是讓我非常扼腕哪!),也幸虧朋友的好心收留,我才不用七早八早、雙眼浮腫地趕車到倫敦(雖然在朋友家也沒睡得多好就是了orz倫敦真的是好吵啊~住慣了小城鎮,實在覺得大城市的壓迫感非常大)。
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昨天是RSN Quays的area programme,在Quayside Café辦了一場其實還蠻虛的social event。活動的目的是讓住戶們有機會彼此認識,但整個活動裡缺乏破冰的契機,導致在這種大型活動中常出現的景況,也就是各自聊各自的。但還能怎樣?至少活動有好好落幕啦!
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Received a staggering news today, I am fairly surprised, overwhelmed, and still feel a bit unreal, maybe because it is happening on someone who is so close to me. My dear flatmate just told me that she is pregnant this afternoon. PREGANANT! REALLY?! Well, of course it is a normal thing and I should not feel so surprised. But this exciting news just took me out of surprise in so many levels, and that is the moment that I deeply feel that I am still a kid inside myself. For me, marriage and the so-called ‘starting my own family’ are still a far-reaching vague concepts that I see no way to happen in my near future, although I saw some friends and relatives seriously considering marriage, or actually got married, or even already have children for the recent two years. However, these things are just…seems still rather far away from my life, maybe because I am still live my school life and somehow I just found it difficult to connect them together. This is of course a good news, but inevitably it makes me to look at myself and again, to feel pathetic about my poor love life.
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Now I have been working there for two weeks. My flatmate asked whether I feel more ease now. I said that it is to a degree, but I still feel nervous in the first couple of phone calls when every time I go to work. Many things happened for the past two weeks; I never thought that there can be so highly dynamic and chaotic for a small restaurant like this. I met some interesting people and received few weird phone calls. For instance, this Friday I got a call ordering ‘dog fried rice’ and I got pissed and seriously considering swearing over the phone (but am I allowed? I wondered.). Last night, a guy called in and placed a big order with a genuine fake foreign assent, which made me feel suspicious. Or like last week, a drunken guy insisted buying two dishes by only paying 5 pounds. Well, it is a fun job, isn’t it (!)
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After a long-time of searching and disappointment, I found a job, ya (?) If considered how desperate I was before, I shall be satisfied with the fact that I finally found something regardless what I got. However, never content with what you got is the human nature. Therefore, I somehow feel bitterness about what I have is a waitress in a Chinese restaurant. (As I said to my dear flatmate that, it seems that every Chinese got their first job in a Chinese restaurant.)
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This Friday I was in London for an invited dinner for the students who are awarded with government scholarship. I thought since I am going to London, why not go earlier and make the most it, and I did. On the bus to North Station, I even met Helios, who was on his way to Chelmsford for his work replacement job. We had a little chat about the difficulty to find a job here, but anyway, you just need to keep trying.
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I have been here nearly three weeks since I arrived at the UK . The strange-but-familiar feeling has almost gone away. I settled in very easily, back to the old streets and campus, just again, live in a different-but-familiar place, got a pair of lovely flatmates. Of course there is some new stuff that I need to get used to with, but none of them really causing any big issues, well, apart from you-know-that, namely, studying. It is so difficult to handling both studying for courses and for thesis at the same time; I am still struggling to find the balance between them, and fingers crossed that I could figure this out as soon as possible.
Back to an old place is a good thing in the sense that I can be much relaxed and push myself into trying other things. I know I am probably acting (very) different in here and back to my hometown. If truth be told, I somehow felt more liberated and relaxing in this place aboard. Maybe, I think, because Britain generally is relatively new to me and I am still in the honeymoon period with it.
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